
🌱 Cornell University

Advanced Machine Learning
CS 6780
Fall 2023: Teaching Assistant
Graduate-level machine learning course for PhD students, taught by Prof. Thorsten Joachims.
Introduction to Reinforcement Learning
CS 4789
Spring 2023: Teaching Assistant
The intro to reinforcement learning course, taught by Prof. Sarah Dean.
Introduction to Analysis of Algorithms
CS 4820
Fall 2022: Teaching Assistant
The algorithm analysis core course at Cornell, taught by Prof. Anke van Zuylen.
Object-Oriented Programming and Data Structures
CS 2110
Summer 2022: Teaching Assistant
The data structure core course at Cornell, taught by Prof. Alexa VanHattum.
Discrete Structures
CS 2800
Spring 2022, Fall 2021: Teaching Assistant
The discrete structure core course at Cornell, taught by Prof. Anke van Zuylen.
Linear Algebra
MATH 2940
Fall 2021: AEW Facilitator
The linear algebra core course for engineering students at Cornell, taught by Prof. Ed Swartz.